
Cone crusher in crushing industry market prospect

As China economic construction is growing, make domestic real estate heat and domestic highway high-speed development, make the development of the industry of crusher has made great development. Cone crushers sale market is gradually developing into the future, cone broken sales have far more than in previous years have improved significantly.

Shanghai Sanme design production of cone crushers, the new concept of crushing technology, to meet the different material specifications of broken, meet the broken less grinding new process requirements. This series of machine not only broken than the big, product fine granularity uniform, and unit power consumption is low, the crushing material humidity requirements are not too big requirement, also suitable for any kind of hard brittle material, can be applied to various mineral crushing. The machine through the large engineering proved the machine in the field of mineral processing good application prospect. In the crusher industry production of saving energy and reducing consumption, and high technology content high crusher is the future crushing machinery industry a trend in the development of.
cone crusher
Compared with the traditional crushing equipment, cone crushers as material processing of fine grinding equipment have broken than the big, product fine granularity uniform, low power consumption, can break any hardness of brittle material advantages, it is a kind of ideal energy-saving super fine crushing equipment.


Bauma 2016 Innovation Awards entries accepted starting

Entries are now open for the bauma Innovation Awards to be presented at the international construction and construction equipment trade fair bauma in Munich in 2016.

As last time, in 2016 the awards are again being presented in five categories:
Construction process/Construction work

bauma 2016 in Munich is a major international showcase for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment. It takes place from April 11-17, 2016 at the Messe München exhibition centre. Presentation of the awards takes place on April 10, 2016, as part of the fair’s opening ceremony.

Entries can be submitted between April 7 and August 31, 2015. Those eligible to enter are exhibitors at bauma, research institutes, research companies and members of leading associations in the German construction industry.

The awards are backed by the German Engineering Federation (VMDA), German Construction Industry Association (HDB), Central Association of the German Construction Industry (ZDB), German Building Materials Association (BBS) and bauma.

Winners in each category have shown a high practical benefit that contributes in the areas of energy and resource-efficiency or a humanisation of the workplace.

In all categories, innovations submitted must be relevant to the construction equipment, building material and mining equipment industry or to the construction industry and the building material industry.

An international jury of representatives from research, industry and the trade press nominate three innovations in each category. These are then announced at the bauma Media Dialog in Munich on January 19 and 20, 2016.

bauma in Munich, which takes place every three years, has an exhibition space of 575,000m2, making it the largest trade show in the world. In 2013, bauma broke all previous records, attracting 3,421 exhibitors from 57 countries as well as 535,065 visitors from more than 200 countries.

Growth of European construction equipment sector

During a press conference held at the international trade show for construction equipment and building technologies in Paris, Eric Lepine, President of CECE (European Construction Equipment Association), stated that “It is in a mixed market environment but with definite signs of recovery in our industry that Intermat is taking place. CECE is proud to see the sector showcasing its excellence at the Paris fair, demonstrating its readiness for new markets and opportunities”.

US-market is a bright spot for the industry

Lepine continued to state that “There are still uncertainties in different regions of the world and particularly in Europe, but the good news is that figures are telling that Europe is picking up”.

In 2014, the European construction equipment industry has already recovered to significant growth, although coming from low levels. For 2015, CECE is forecasting that the level of 2014 is to be maintained as further growth is mainly expected to come from hard-hit markets like Spain, Portugal or Italy whereas matured markets like UK, Germany or Scandinavian countries which experienced already robust growth in 2014, will likely remain stable. The outlook for France is also less impressive for 2015. Investments there have almost come to a standstill; rental companies which belong to the industry’s major customer groups, do not show promising signs of buying activities. “Looking at the longer term, 2016 should see a continued slow recovery of our industry in Europe”, predicted Mr. Lepine.

The construction equipment sector is still showing a huge disparity between several European countries but CECE believes that the gap is not getting bigger”, he said. On global terms, the bright spot for the industry is North America. As Europe is an important supplier to the USA, several companies should benefit from the positive market development.

Emissions – Stage V regulation needs to be approved by the end of 2015

To ensure the survival of the construction equipment sector and make their contribution in building a competitive and modern Europe, also in terms of technological know-how, the industry needs effective legislation that works. He referred in particular to the EU emissions legislation’s stage V that is about to come in the near future and will be the strictest exhaust emissions regulation in the world. The respective directive 97/68/EC is still under revision in Parliament and Council. Mr. Lepine pointed out that the industry has delivered significant improvements in the last few years. The construction equipment industry already produces the cleanest and safest machinery in the world and is committed to further support the legislator in this field. In order to do that, the industry needs the support of the legislator.

“We need the regulation to be approved by the end of 2015, otherwise our industry will not have the time to implement all the necessary changes in the engine and the machines to comply to these new very stringent emissions standards” said Mr. Lepine. Also, an appropriate replacement engines provision should be inserted in the new legislation.

Furthermore, CECE is requesting the legislation’s transition period to be extended by six months. CECE also sees the need for global alignment. An estimated 75% of the world however, is only at stage IIIA and below. As the global market for highly-regulated products is still small, Europe cannot allow itself to deviate too much from requirements in other ambitious nations in this field. CECE therefore urges the EU to maintain position in standards and limits with other regions, notably with the US, and actively promote worldwide alignment.

TTIP helps to secure free trade and to foster competitiveness on the global scale

This is also why CECE sees TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, as a great opportunity for the European economy. “We support TTIP because we are for free trade and we need cooperation and harmonisation in all markets”, he pointed out. There are still tariffs that are an obstacle for free trade, like different emissions regulations, international standards like machine safety or labelling, different test procedures or access of companies to public procurement. Regulatory cooperation is by far the most important point: “When regulations are recognised on both sides we will have harmonisation in the end”, he said. And, advanced markets should be aligned. If they set common standards together they form a bigger block towards other regions and will set the pace and the standards. Free trade on both sides of the Atlantic would foster competitiveness of the industries on the global scale.

Rental companies, operators and equipment manufacturers need to join forces

A major obstacle for tree trade on the European Internal Market remains the problem of non-compliant machines coming to Europe. According to a CECE survey, one out of three companies is facing lost sales due to this. “A good market surveillance system enables a shift from unfair price competition between machines that are not complying to same standards to a fair competition based on quality amongst machines that are compliant”, said Lepine.

As resources on market surveillance are low in the member states, EU legislation must be enforced and policed. This is why CECE keeps on calling on the European Commission to keep the issue on the agenda and to improve market surveillance legislation and enforcement. The association works on the market surveillance topic in a rather practical way directly in the construction sector by making inspections at trade shows and auctions or by providing information about dangers and risks when buying non-compliant machines. CECE has also started an initiative to call on rental companies and operators to form a joint force.


Shared cement industry outlooks on development of INDC for India

At the stakeholder consultation workshop organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) for the Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC), India’s Cement Manufactures’ Association (CMA), the apex cement industry body in the country, and the CSI joined to present the cement sector’s perspective on the development of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) for India.

The workshop included significant government representatives, such as:
Mr. Dipak Dasgupta, Member of the Board of Green Climate Fund (also Principal Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance)
Mr. Ashok Lavasa, Secretary MoEFCC
Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad, India’s Chief Climate Change Negotiator (also Joint Secretary, MoEFCC)

2015 is particularly important because of the necessary and worldwide concurrence on climate change that is to be reached during the upcoming Conference of Parties (COP) in Paris this year. Mr. Ashok Lavasa stated that climate change is not all about international negotiations, but also about ensuring sustainability through judicial use of available resources.

Mr. Sanjay Jain, Assistant Executive Director-Dalmia Bharat Group expressed his thoughts on initiatives by Indian industry to address climate change: “Even though India is the second largest cement producer in the world, its specific carbon emissions are amongst the lowest and the industry is one of the most energy efficient globally.” Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad suggested that the various initiatives undertaken by Indian industry need to be documented and publicised to the global fraternity at the COP in Paris this year.

The Low Carbon Technology Roadmap developed by the CSI, together with its member companies in India and the International Energy Agency (IEA), with partial funding support from International Finance Corporation (IFC), was initiated by Ms. Esha Sar, Manager of CSI in India. Ms. Sar stated that there is a potential for a 45% reduction in direct CO2 emissions intensity in 2050 compared to 2010 levels, yet this would only be achievable with technology development, a supportive policy framework, and appropriate financial resources invested over the long term.

Improvements in the clinker factor, increase in the use of alternative fuels and raw materials and new technologies such as carbon capture storage and utilisation are the levers that have the maximum potential to aid carbon reductions according to Mr. Jain. Impactful projects aligned with national priorities can be framed under each of these areas and considered for Green Climate Fund support.

It was also mentioned that support for waste heat recovery projects, which are at present economically unviable due to high investment costs and lack of incentives, are a potential area for funding under the Green Climate Fund and a main lever.


Pakistan’s cement dispatches increase in July 2014-March 2015

According to data released by All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association (APCMA), in the July 2014 to March 2015 period, Pakistan’s cement dispatches jumped 4% from 24.78 million tonnes in the same period in 2013/2014, to 25.65 million tonnes.

Local dispatches increased 8% in the nine months under review from 18.76 million tonnes previously, to 20.22 million tonnes.
Cement exports dropped by 10% in the period under review from 6.02 million tonnes in the same period in 2013/2014, to 5.43 million tonnes.
In March 2015, local cement dispatches increased 5% year-on-year from 2.32 million tonnes in March 2014, to 2.44 million tonnes.
Exports declined by 30% from 630,000tonnes in March 2014, to 440,000tonnes.
According to regional level analysis, the southern area posted a 12% rise in March 2015 to 650,000tonnes.
The north region, however, registered a 6% drop to 2.20 million tonnes while in the south exports declined by 8% in the month under review from 190,000tonnes in 2014, to 170,000tonnes.
The north region’s exports also decreased by 40% in March 2015 from 440,000tonnes in March 2015, to 260,000tonnes.

Processing iron ore by crusher

The processing of iron ore is a task that involves taking the raw ore and preparing it for use in the creation of a number of different iron products. There are actually several different processes that may be used to aid in this conversion of the raw ore into useful iron components. Most processes will involve some sort of crushing and grinding activity that results in small units that are easier to work with in terms of creating iron bars or even preparing the iron for smelting.

In most cases, the processing of iron ore will begin with some sort of crushing action. Different types of crushers are in common use today, including jaw crushers, impact crushers, hammer crushers, and cone crushers. Each of these types of crushing equipment are designed for use in specific situations involving the processing of iron ore. For example, hammer crushers are often used at mine sites when the yield from iron ore deposits is somewhat small.

After use of some form of crushing equipment, the processing of iron ore will usually involve grinding. Different types of grinding equipment produce everything from a fine dust to small pebbles, with the choice of grinder based on what type of further processing is involved to prepare the ore for its intended use. The grinding can sometimes occur at the site immediately after the crushing is finished, or take place in a processing plant in the event the yield from the excavation is more than can be managed with the smaller equipment designed for use at a mining site.

Once the crushing and grinding are complete, the processing of iron ore will often involve some sort of filtering action before the final product is created. Filtering equipment will help remove any other types of rocks or other impurities that were not screened out during the early processing efforts. The end result is a raw iron ore product that is ready for smelting and the manufacture of iron goods and products that can be used in a number of different applications.

The main goal for the processing of iron ore is to take the ore extracted during the mining effort, break the ore into usable units and then purify those units before the actual smelting begins. Doing so makes it easier to produce a higher grade of iron that in turn can be used to create materials for use in everything from manufacturing lawn furniture to cookware to building materials. Typically, whatever processing is done must comply with governmental regulations that set standards for the type of iron that may be used in the manufacture of specific types of goods, especially iron products used in the creation of machine components or in materials used for building construction.

The development of cone crusher

The advent of  cone crushers a hundred years later than the gyratory crusher twenty years later.
Hydroxide method of cone crusher are not yet available, the early twentieth century has been a great development, it requires to provide more detailed than the gyratory crusher and jaw crusher supply products, in this case, in addition to using roller crusher Machine for crushing equipment, using coarse crushing cycle crushing machine for crushing equipment, such as built in 1931 Brow-Hell, Improvement Company crushing plant on using over a 48-inch cycles broken machine to do coarse crushing, 4 sets of 7 ? inches coarse crushing cycles to do the broken NO6 and 12 NO4 crude broken cycle for Crusher Obviously, this is no way to approach, which forced people to develop efficient crushing of the crusher.
In 1927, the gently inclined cone crusher (later referred to as the slow  cone crusher) confirmed that industry. Such cone crusher Simon standard and short head cone crusher and spherical cone crusher, their characteristics is moving cone was gently inclined, spring overload protection device.

Soon, the steeply inclined compression cone crusher have been brought forth, the beginning of this crusher is called compression gyratory crusher, in essence, this crusher is in the improvements made on the basis of the gyratory crusher for the broken and crushing crusher, its shape and structure and the short axis gyratory crusher is basically the same, with the cone very steep, Pai mine mouth, short spindle stroke speed.
To the late 1950s, the cone crusher manufactured by countries widely used in hydraulic technology, the cone crusher has been further improved, the slow cone crusher based on maintaining the original spring overload protection device gentle cone, using a hydraulic or pressure, adjust the port of discharge, hydraulic overload protection device and the hydraulic locking device.
At the same time, steep cone cone crusher in the case to retain the original steep moving cone hydraulic technology, according to the different hydraulic locations can be divided into the bottom of the hydraulic support or top of the hydraulic hanging Cone crusher. Adjustment and overload protection device in the port of discharge are uniform hydraulic system, simple structure, reliable operation of the operation.
The 1970s, cone crusher, two aspects of progress in the First 3050 mm large cone crusher come out, the second is the advent of extra-fine materials can produce steep cone gentle cone cone crusher. The latter has a new type of crushing chamber structure, short spindle, and have access to the material characteristics of four purpose.
Cone crusher by the above two different types,such as gear rotating multi-cylinder hydraulic crusher, multi-cylinder crusher is actually used only for the locking device, not the bottom of the single-cylinder hydraulic crusher and The top single-cylinder hydraulic crusher par. Divided by hydraulic and spring in the previous classification or is called by Guarantee, medium, short head, spherical, and some classified, some rely on the bottom of the single-cylinder hydraulic support, the top single-cylinder hydraulic hanging to divide, and some to divide some of the steep cone gentle cone (some referred to as the cone) to divide the single-cylinder multi-cylinder.

How will Sand Making Machine Develop in the Future?

It’s well known that the sand making industry is moving forward in a positive direction and the sand making machine has become a new device combing both traditional and modern characteristics.

The sand making machine is considered as the most important equipment to crush and grind all kinds of soft and hard stones and minerals. It’s widely used to process minerals, cement, fire proofing, glass materials and construction materials. The high working efficiency of the sand making machine has made the equipment very popular among customers.

The sand making station has very strict standard of the productivity and the hardness of the sand starts to catch users’ attention in the construction industry. If there is no available high efficient sand making machine for customers, it’s not possible to realize the complete satisfaction of the demand for the construction sand.

For many years, the natural sand lacking problem has forced the sand making industry to take measures to change the current lagging developing situation. In addition, the requirement for a large amount of sand in the national infrastructure construction will also encourage the mining machinery industry to take further steps.

China is famous for the abundant quantity of natural resources like sand and stones which will provide enough raw materials for the sand making production line. The current management mode of the sand making industry is to separate the sand production process from the construction field, which can increase the productivity to certain extent.


Quarry equipment SANME cone crusher

SANME cone crusher is widely used in metallurgical industry, building materials, road construction industry, chemical industry and silicate industry, and it is suitable for crushing medium hardness and medium above all kinds of ores and rocks. With big strength, high efficiency, high capacity, low cost, convenient adjustment, economic use, etc.
Due to reasonable material selection and structure design, so the service life is long, broken product particle size is uniform, load cycle is reduced, in the medium and large-sized crusher, hydraulic clean cavity system is adopted, it reduces downtime, and we have different crushing cavity of every same type, the user can according to different needs choose different type cavity, in order to meet better the needs of users.

Cone crusher is divided into coarse crushing cone crusher,medium cone crusher and finely cone crusher, can chosen according to different users’ demand. Except standard and short head cone crusher, there are also medium cone crusher, both on the coarse crushing and can also be used to finely crushing. The main difference between the standard, medium and short head cone crusher is a different cross-sectional shape gravel cavity. Therefore, to the feeding size and output size are different. gyratory crusher is used for coarse crushing, standard cone crusher for medium crushing,short head cone crusher is used for fine crushing.
If you want to know more about SANME cone crusher,please visit our website, and SANME all staff sincerely welcome your arrival!

Lafarge and Holcim choose future CEO

Lafarge Chairman and CEO Bruno Lafont has proposed the appointment of Eric Olsen as future CEO of LafargeHolcim, a proposal that has been approved by the boards of both Lafarge and Holcim. Mr Olsen is currently Lafarge Executive Vice President, Operations, and will take on the role of CEO as of the closing of the merger project. He has been a member of Lafarge’s Executive Committee since 2007, having joined the company in 1999 as Senior Vice President for Strategy and Development, and previously held senior positions in operations and in the fields of finance, human resources and strategy.

Wolfgang Reitzle, Chairman of the Holcim Board and future co-Chairman of LafargeHolcim, said that he very much welcomes Eric Olsen as future CEO for LafargeHolcim. “With his broad international experience and insights in key markets, he is best positioned to lead the combined company for the benefit of employees, shareholders and customers,” said Mr Reitzle. “Bruno and I will support Eric Olsen in creating a new joint culture that will be the key driver for our premier competitive position.”

“Eric has been proposed as future CEO of LafargeHolcim both for his personal and professional qualities,” commented Bruno Lafont. “He has a deep knowledge of our activities, clients and markets. He is driven, with energy and determination. He is a true leader, with the ability to bring the teams together to drive a strong value creation culture for our shareholders. I have every confidence in his ability to deliver the synergies announced and ensure the development and the success of LafargeHolcim.”

Eric Olsen is fifty-one years old and has dual American and French nationalities. He has a deep experience of driving change linked to the roles he has played in matters of integration and organisation in multicultural environments. From 2007 to 2012, he served as Executive Vice President, Organisation and Human Resources of Lafarge Group. In this role, he led the integration of the Egyptian Orascom, a major acquisition with operations in Africa, Middle East and Asia. Eric Olsen also led the 2012 reorganisation of the Group with a focus on country organisation around end-market segments.

China: Waste incinerator cancelled after violent protests

Luoding City, a western Guangdong city, has cancelled a plan to build an incinerator that prompted a protest of up to 10,000 people, during which three police cars were flipped over and a duty office was vandalised.

The Luoding city government posted two letters on its website announcing the decision. One informed the Langtang township government that it had decided to cancel the project, which Langtang had brokered with China Resources Cement Holdings. The second letter urged residents to stop blocking roads, vandalising property or disturbing public order.

The decision came after residents of the town engaged in a stand-off with police on 7 April 2015 in protest against what they said was the violent handling of a peaceful sit-in against the incinerator on 6 April 2015. “People are angry with the site selection of the incinerator as it is within a 1km radius of their homes,” said one resident. “The cement plant is producing enough pollution, we don’t need another polluter.”

Residents said that about 1000 locals turned up to the sit-in on 6 April 2015, which took place outside a cement plant owned by China Resources. They have claimed that more than 100 men dressed in black and armed with batons, helmets and shields beat demonstrators. They said that the men were a mix of policemen and security guards. “My nephew is only 14 and is suffering from concussion after he was beaten by the men with batons,” said one resident. “It was very brutal and totally unnecessary to use such force against unarmed civilians during a peaceful and rational demonstration, especially as they attacked children too.”

Luoding city government claimed that 400 residents had taken part in the 7 April 2015 stand-off and denied that any had been injured. It said that “A small number of troublemakers instigated the crowd,” to block roads and throw rocks at plant staff. Police arrested the ‘troublemakers,’ but 400 others gathered the next day, with some throwing rocks and glass bottles and vandalising police cars and the duty office, according to the Luoding city government.


The Development Of Jaw Crushers

With gradual improvement and promotion of steam engine, electric motors and other power machinery, modern crushing machines were created. Steam-driven roller crusher was appeared in 1806; In 1858, American Blake invented jaw crushers to break rock; in 1878 gyratory crusher got good development in USA, whose productivity is higher than the jaw crushers with intermittent crushing action; 1895, another American William invented the lower energy consumption impact.
Americans EW Black designed and manufactured the first jaw crusher in the world, with the structure of double toggle plate (simple swing). With the advantage of simple structure, easy manufacture, reliable, easy maintenance, small size and height, today they are still widely used to crush all kinds of hard, medium hard, soft ore and various materials, such as various minerals, solvents, slag, building stone, marble etc.

jaw crushers

The working Principle of Jaw crushers : the motor transmits power through belt, drives the moving jaw to do periodic motion towards the fixed jaw by the eccentric shaft. The angle between toggle plate and moving jaw plate increases when moving jaw moves. So the moving jaw moves towards the fixed jaw. The stuff will be crushed in this process. The angle between toggle plate and moving jaw decreases when moving jaw moves down, the moving jaw moves leaves fixed jaw by pulling rod and spring, the final crushed stuff will be discharged from the outlet.
Until 1980s, the feed size of large jaw crushing with the capacity of 800TPH has reached to 1800 mm. usually jaw crushers are divided into single and double toggle plates models. The movable jaw plate of the former one only makes simple arc swing when works, it is also known as simple swing jaw crushers; the latter also do up and down movement besides arc movement, which is also known as complex swing jaw crushers.

jaw crusher

Recently, Sanme releases the biggest jaw crushers in China, named JC Series Jaw crushers.  It's birth thanks to finite element analysis method. Compared with traditional jaw crushers, JC series jaw crushers pays more attention on details in the process of design and manufacture. It uses high-strength materials, advanced manufacturing technology, which contributes to the stronger structure, higher reliability, larger crushing ratio, higher productivity, lower cost.

Why cone crusher can be qualified in the industry of iron ore processing

We know that the earliest spring cone crusher was designed by Milwaukee Symons brothers, no matter how upgrading, whether spring cone crusher, hydraulic cone crusher or Symons cone crusher, its working principle is unchanged. 

We know that the cone crushers belong to fine crushing equipment, iron ore is used more in the metallurgical industry, especially in the steel industry, grinding process is necessary before the beneficiation process, grinding fineness also affects the precision of the iron ore powder to a certain extent, stones shall be crushed before grinding, of course, the finer, the better. The crushing fineness of cone crushers can reach 3-9mm. Cone crushers can greatly reduce the burden of mill, this is one of the reasons why cone crushers can be used as fine crushing equipment.
Another aspect, according the hard characteristic of iron ore, abrasion is very serious when impact crusher and hammer crusher is used as finely equipment. From the long-term using, cone crushers have high capacity, low wear rate and ease of maintenance. Cone crushers have been certified in the iron ore production, it can be qualified in the industry of iron ore processing.